Archive for August, 2012

I was reading an article written by a guy named Peter Vadja titled Is Self-Help Helping. His basic premise is that no self help books ever help anyone because for true change to occur, one has to dig deeper than any book can get you to do, thus you’re doomed to failure most of the […]

Can I share some things with you without you thinking they’re bragging? Until I was almost 28 years of age, I remembered every single phone number I’d never heard in my life. I’ve been a speed reader since 8th grade, and I used to have a memory retention rate of 83%. I used to be […]

I’ve talked often on this blog about my belief that there’s a need for people to watch their language in the workplace. To whit, here’s a short list of posts I’ve written on the subject: Choosing Your Words Carefully The Misunderstanding Of The First Amendment Intentional Unintentional Freudian Slips Communicating Badly Consequences For Actions Again […]

A short post but not necessarily a short video. Actually, it comes in around 8 minutes, but I felt the topic would carry more weight if I spoke rather than wrote about it. Unfortunately, based on my premise in the video I’m not expecting this one to be seen by all that many people but […]

One of my loves is Star Trek; I’ve talked about it before here and there, especially when talking about ethics. Whenever I have a chance to talk about different episodes or characters, I’m a happy guy. So it was with glee that I was having a conversation with a few people online about a week […]