In general, I hate talking on the telephone, business or pleasure. However, when it comes to business and getting information you need when it comes to revenue cycle issues, I find that it’s best to pick up the phone and call someone who you believe has the answers. I was doing a consulting assignment in […]

Many years ago when I was the director of patient accounting at a particular facility, I was having a general meeting with the entire billing staff. I was going along as usual in discussing the current state of our accounts receivable progress and issues when I noticed that many of the faces seemed distracted and […]

There are many cartoons that have human characters interacting with animals. This kind of thing goes back to the beginning of animation. Anyone who loves cartoons remembers those old Fleischer cartoons where not only did animals talk, but inanimate objects talked as well. not this kind of mouse lol There’s always differing ways these humans […]

Some years ago I found myself having what turned out to be an interesting and illuminating conversation with a couple of millennials on Twitter. It turned out to be this way because it started out badly but ended well. Kevin Dooley via Compfight One of my online friends shared a link to something where I’d […]

Sometimes being a consultant is a lot of fun. Once I was working on a consulting assignment out of my home area, interim in a leadership position. I hadn’t been there long, but early on I seemed to be making an imprint on the local community; at least as far as the people I was […]