Archive for March, 2010

I was having a conversation with a friend the other day about an issue she was having. When she told me what she’d done, I went the other way with it. I said that she should have used silence, because sometimes it’s more powerful as a tool than anything else a person might think to […]

In my last post, I said that I was in favor of the health care bill. Last night the health care bill was passed by the House of Representatives, and at this moment it looks like it’s a done deal. I say it that way because word is that Senate Republicans area ready to introduce […]

I’ve had to catch up with what’s going on with this health care bill, and frankly, I’m at a crossroads with it. This is the worst part about politics; you never quite get what you want, and you’re stuck having to figure out which way to go because you hate parts of everything you’re supposed […]

Advice is a strange thing. All of us will look at someone else, see that they might be messing up in some fashion, and immediately want to tell them what we believe they should be doing. Sometimes, they might not be doing anything wrong, just not doing it the way you’d do it, and you […]

For those people keeping score, on Monday I posted something saying I was going a week without news, but I had started it last Friday. That means that in a couple of hours my self imposed ban will be over. It’s been an interesting week, I must say. I haven’t watched the news nor visited […]