Some of you saw my post a couple of weeks ago saying that patient accounting people aren’t necessarily mad that there’s now a health care bill. It seems that health care executives are taking the opposite side on this one. In a story on Healthcare Finance News, it seems that around 3/4ths of all the […]
Yesterday I was at a meeting of a group called Mid York Medical Accounts Management Association, affiliated with a national group called AAHAM; I’m president of the local chapter. The meeting concerned talking about New York state Medicaid and many of the issues regarding proper billing and coding of claims. At lunch there was myself, […]
Last year when I wrote about the 41st Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, I highlighted some of the things that had happened in the first few months of President Obama’s administration that related to race, and I was none too happy about any of it. I didn’t think Dr. King […]
In my last post, I said that I was in favor of the health care bill. Last night the health care bill was passed by the House of Representatives, and at this moment it looks like it’s a done deal. I say it that way because word is that Senate Republicans area ready to introduce […]
I’ve had to catch up with what’s going on with this health care bill, and frankly, I’m at a crossroads with it. This is the worst part about politics; you never quite get what you want, and you’re stuck having to figure out which way to go because you hate parts of everything you’re supposed […]