I mainly live by three rules; loyalty, trustworthiness, and honesty. In pretty much that order, because I really believe they need to be ranked. They were loyal Loyalty is absolute, though a bit convoluted. If I’m loyal to you, I expect loyalty back. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking business or personal life. I have […]
Some years ago I wrote a post asking if you as a leader or an entrepreneur feel that others treat you as a professional. It was an article that gave readers a chance to complain about how they’re treated, which doesn’t happen often, in discussing the behavior of others towards them, justified or not. professional […]
If you read my blog often enough, you know that I strongly subscribe to 3 moral positions: loyalty, trustworthiness, and honesty… in that order. I believe that’s how you need to be with your friends, with your co-workers, and as much as possible with everyone else you meet throughout your life. I keep finding out […]
I belong to a small number of groups on LinkedIn. One in particular is geared towards jobs in health care. I’m not looking for a job, but every once in a while someone is looking for a consultant who does what I do, so I like to keep my options open. I feel like Superman,but […]
I remember going to a sales training seminar years ago at a company called Sandler Training, located here in the Syracuse, NY area. The owner at the time, a great man named Pete Morrissey, allowed me to take free training classes because I went to high school with two of her daughters… and because he […]