revenue cycle leadership consulting

Embrace The Lead
by T. T. "Mitch" Mitchell

Strategies for Management
in the 21st Century

management leadership book
T. T. "Mitch" Mitchell's first book, Embrace The Lead, is the first book on management and leadership of its kind. For the first time ever, someone has taken the principles of daily management and not only broken them down into easy to understand concepts, but also answers specific issues that every manager and leader has had to deal with at some point of their careers.

For instance, how many managers come into the position without learning how to delegate work and authority? How many managers haven't learned how and when to say no or yes, or how to make decisions? How many managers, whether you work with men or women, have had to deal with dress code issues?

Sure, sometimes the issues you have to deal with are frivolous, yet they are important issues to the people you have to work with when they do come up. Issues of diversity, fairness, recognition, evaluation,… these issues and more are addressed directly in this book.

Mitch Mitchell has written a very casual and easy to read book. It's in a very conversational style, interspersed with stories and ideals and his own unique sense of humor and insight. He has taken his background of over 20 years of being a very successful manager and educator of managers and put it down here. He wrote the book because of two very important questions: How many managers know how to lead; how many leaders know how to manage? He helps each to learn the principles of management and leadership.

You will learn many more things from Embrace The Lead. There are 34 separate points in this book, some specifically answering questions and issues that have been asked and dealt with by managers, some that work to identify the reasons managers and employees do what they do, and some that managers may not have thought of, but should. You will learn why people get into management in the first place.

You will learn how to identify personality types, and how to work with them. You will learn how to identify issues as they relate to harassment and diversity. And you will learn them all without feeling as though you're being preached to; matter of fact, as you read this book, you'll consistently hear yourself saying "Ah yes, I knew that".

This book will constantly confirm feelings that were already deep within you, good leadership and management principles, as well as give you some new perspectives on life.

Embrace The Lead isn't only for managers. It's for anyone who's looking for direction in their life. It's for anyone who wants to learn leadership principles, even if only to gain more control of what they do on a daily basis.

It's for anyone who wants to learn how to get along with others; if you can identify the types of people you deal with, you have a better chance of knowing how to fare well with them. And it's for anyone who's looking for a little harmless entertainment, a point for controversy, and maybe something to help put them to relax. Because once you start, you won't be able to put it down until you're finished.

Here's a few quotes from some who have read Embrace The Lead already, who gave testimonials that they have graciously allowed us to post:

From what I've read so far, I've found this book to be enlightening. I've already applied 2 of your management strategies and found the results to be positive. Your book has also given me an in depth look at people, their behavior patterns, how to handle workers with different personalities and much more. I've also been able to review my own behavior, my attitude, my perceptions, and found area's I can improve. Overall.... I'm very pleased with what I've learned and I'm glad I bought the book.

Heather Colman, owner, Ebook Palace

I really enjoyed this book a lot. I thought it would be boring, but I thought it was really good. It taught me some things that will help me as I meet new people in my life.

Allison Thomas, high school junior

Unlike a lot of business books written by people who've never ventured out of academia, T. T. Mitchell's book is a refreshing, common sense approach to the real world of business. Mitchell understands management because he's been there; his many years of experience in the trenches shine through on every page. He's learned the hard lessons of business and leadership, and passes them along to the reader in a frank, informative style that's both entertaining and educational. I'd recommend this book to anyone who's ever taken any sort of leadership role, from those who've just been promoted to those with twenty years of experience. There's something to learn for everyone.

Kurt Hohmann, President, KDH Consulting

From a management perspective it really held my interest, and I kept wanting to see what your thoughts were on each section. You have a delightful, easily read style, that incorporates reality and humor into your book. It make me think about the many personality types, and how my staff fits into some of those types, which enhances my perspective on dealing with them. I particularly like your examples of situations you have encountered, and how you dealt with them.

Anne Thompson, Business Office Manager

A small cross section of people in different fields, different ages. That's what Embrace The Lead is all about. It's not a college text; it's not a doctoral thesis. It's just a nice little book, a comfortable read, that will change how you look at yourself as a manager and as a leader, change how you view others you have to work with, and give you tools that will help you in all aspects of your life.

Embrace The Lead is available as a paperback or in an ebook (pdf) format. It is written in 3 sections. The first section breaks down manager types and some specific ideals about their behavior and processes they need to consider. The second section breaks down employee types and gives some ways to handle each of these types of employees. The third section completes what was started in the first section, hitting on key points that managers and leaders need to consider to be effective.

To see a sample of this book, click on this link for one of the points addressed in the book.

Embrace The Lead,
The Paperback
$5.95 plus shipping
Embrace The Lead,
The eBook, $3.95

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For more information, please contact:

T. T. Mitchell Consulting, Inc.
Liverpool, NY 13090
(315)622-5910 Office

© T T Mitchell Consulting Inc