Archive for March, 2012

Other than the Trayvon Martin tragedy, the big story this past week has been about potential employers trying to force applicants into giving up their Facebook passwords or friending them, if you will, so that they could go through a candidates page to see if they were worthy of working at their company. While I […]

A few days ago there was this news story where a man in Illinois offered to give two 13-year old girls a ride somewhere. They declined, but took down his license plate and called the police, who arrested him three days later and charged him with disorderly conduct. This is a married man with 3 […]

Someone asked me recently why I’ve been on a rant lately in regards to independent consulting and small businesses. He wondered if it merged well with what the blog has been about for the past 7 years, which is talking about leadership, diversity, customer service, motivation, health care, et al. Business Consultant! My response was […]

Last week on one of my other blogs I started what will become a series on the topic of marketing one’s business. I put it on that blog because it talks more about things one can do online, and many of the people who visit there think about how they can make money online without […]

Last week I had an interesting conversation with another consultant that specializes in charge master consulting, one that helped lead to this post. We were talking about some of the problems he’d been experiencing over a number of years as it pertained to both his business and his health. Not that he didn’t make very […]