Archive for March, 2012

I once had a conversation with a local consultant friend of mine who has a unique career. What he does is goes into businesses, finds profit leaks, finds ways to help them save money on many different things, and then takes a percentage of the savings as his pay. If he finds nothing, he gets […]

Most managers feel as though the weight of the world is on their shoulders. It’s understandable because management, though it can be fun, can also be stressful. Most of the time it’s stressful because managers feel as though they’re supposed to know all the answers, and that they have to exude strength by being all […]

Can you believe spring is right around the corner? Here in central New York, we’ve been lucky this winter with very little snow, but we know how fast that can change. Normally with spring comes the life of the trees, more birds will be singing, and grass will grow greener and greener, and we’ll all […]

As a full disclaimer, I was asked to review the book Bring Your Superpowers To Work by Darcy Eikenberg and sent a copy of it, just so you know. Of course me being me this review is honest in its assessment, and yes, I have linked to the book if you’re interested in purchasing it […]

Being a leader is hard. Being in a relationship is hard. No matter how good things go, every once in awhile things may not go as you hope. Enokson via Compfight One of those things I’ve seen is that people will avoid talking about the problem because they really don’t want to know. It’s hard […]