Archive for February, 2015

Some years ago, I had a conversation with a potential coaching client. It was the exploratory session, the free one, where I listen to what the other person is telling me they want to work on and gives me some information on their life. I wasn’t sure how or where this person had heard of […]

It had to come eventually and today is the day; yay! Mitch’s Blog, aka the blog of T. T. Mitchell Consulting Inc, has hit 10 years of existence. Of course, multiple times I’ve told the story of this blog, how I didn’t know what I was doing, how some posts were really just quick thoughts, […]

My dad spent most of his years in some kind of management level position, though the terminology wasn’t always that. He spent 23 years as a sergeant at different levels, and another 22 years in management or exempt level positions at Xerox. Over the years, my dad spoke of different management techniques, and though we […]

This might seem like it’s a social media post but it’s actually about customer service. After all, as technology changes so do the possibilities of good and bad customer service. Since we seem to hear more often about how someone received either a text message, email or saw something on Twitter that was insulting to […]