Who remembers the 2nd Star Trek movie, Wrath of Khan? My favorite “human” character of all time, Mr. Spock, twice uttered this wonderful phrase: “The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few”. One time Kirk uttered “or the one”. Pranav Bhatt via Compfight Throughout all my years in management, I always took […]

Sometimes the best way to illustrate a point is by telling a little story. My grandmother, Hazel Beverly, was in the hospital for two weeks. It took a while before I finally heard from a doctor; she’d been in the hospital for 10 days. He asked me about her advanced directives. I told him that […]

I’m going to tell a true story. I’m working out of town, and I went to drop off some shirts at the dry cleaners the other day. The woman behind the counter, a black woman, started talking to me like she normally does. She asked me if my wife missed me since I was out […]

This is part 3 of the series Understanding the 21st Century Workforce and part two of Basic Do’s and Dont’s. Let’s continue with this part of the series. Don’t take things personally all the time Stephan Geyer via Compfight A. Don’t assume everyone can easily communicate their feelings to you. One of the problems with […]

I started this series by taking a look at today’s employees and what employers need to think about when working with them. A lot of that post was geared towards understanding younger employees, but this one is geared towards looking at all employees, not just the young. Peter Patau via Compfight The next 3 parts […]