Employee Issues

Keeping with my two minutes theme, I know I normally write about leadership here. This time I’m writing directly to employees, new employees in fact. These tips are good for any employee, but new employees really need to check this out because going into a new situation with the proper mindset could help things go […]

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of things about goals and dreams. I actually wrote a post about it on one of my other blogs, where a friend of mine shared his dream and is living it these days; the post has become quite popular, which is always nice. Matthias Werner via Compfight I’ve been […]

I failed a personality test! Yes, you read that correctly. It was the strangest thing because I never knew you could fail a personality test. I’m not even sure what I did to fail the personality test. Okay, that sounds dramatic, and it makes for a great bit of comedy, but it turns out to […]

Last week I wrote a post titled It’s Okay NOT To Be A Leader. In that post, I mentioned that even if you decide not to be a leader, it doesn’t mean that you do everything the leader tells you to do just because you’ve decided to be a follower. This is a follow up […]

I often get questions from friends and employees on how to deal with their supervisors and managers. They often seem to feel that they’re not being treated fairly compared to how they see someone else being treated. Since I’m not in the office I’m never quite sure whether it’s a matter of perception or reality. […]