Archive for May, 2010

I was checking out a blog called The Practice of Leadership by a man named George Ambler. It was titled The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (the original article was updated and replaced by one titled Leadership Develops When You Escape Your Comfort Zone). On the post, he had the video that I’ve posted […]

I was at a meeting yesterday when the subject of the Arizona Immigration law came up. I don’t think I’ve hidden my views on this subject from anyone, and as someone who talks about diversity, it would make sense that I would take a position against it. Of course, I knew better as soon as […]

I was having an interesting conversation with someone a few days ago. We were talking about an issue he was having that, from my perspective, seemed to only have one real answer. Me being me, however, I threw out 3 possible scenarios of things that could be done, thinking that one of them was so […]

Almost two weeks ago a blog post I wrote put me in the top 100 for leadership posts on blogs throughout the blogosphere. That felt pretty good, as it’s always nice to be recognized. Now I’ve made another list, a ranked list, this time placing at #58 on a Top 150 Management & Leadership Blogs […]

I’ve talked enough about this concept of “track record” that I figured it was finally time to write about it. Basically, track record is what your normal patterns are barring something extreme happening, unless extreme things occur in your life all the time. For instance, you could have a track record of always being late. […]