Last week I met a guy I’ve known for a long time for lunch. I wanted to meet him because I’ve known him for a long time, and I know he’s struggled with his career. I had once mentioned an idea to him that I thought he could pull off well, based on the little […]

This morning I was at a meeting for consultants. We were talking about another organization, called the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). This is an organization I used to belong to, that I’m thinking about possibly rejoining at some point in the future, but just haven’t been enthused lately. The conversation got around […]

Over the past month or so I’ve been working my way through a book titled The Ethics of Star Trek. I usually read books very fast, but this one has so many concept involved that, well, I won’t say I’m struggling to get through it anymore, but it’s so detailed and compact that it’s become […]

Advice is a strange thing. All of us will look at someone else, see that they might be messing up in some fashion, and immediately want to tell them what we believe they should be doing. Sometimes, they might not be doing anything wrong, just not doing it the way you’d do it, and you […]

By now, many of you know that I do some affiliate internet marketing through a couple of different blogs and some other websites. It’s pretty much a hobby, one that I have some fun with, but I’m not overly successful at it thus far. Living in New York state, there is a new challenge where […]