Last week my wife and I decided to go to my favorite restaurant for dinner. It’s my favorite restaurant not only because I like the food, but because the staff that works there has always been friendly and taken care of me like I’m someone special. I’m sure they do that for a lot of […]

Last Wednesday I went to my very first podiatrist appointment. I went mainly because I’m diabetic and my doctor thought it was time for me to have my feet looked at. I also went because I’d finally decided to own up to the fact that my feet have tingled a little bit over the past […]

Something you rarely remember hearing from the past is that a physician had a lousy bedside manner. By bedside manner, we’re talking about how physicians talk to patients when giving them any type of health care, from putting a bandage on a finger to telling them they might not have long to live. One of […]

Unfortunately, something I know that’s a failure in a lot of physician’s practices is the concept of good customer service. I know this because I’ve not only worked with a lot of physicians, but I’ve seen how the process works when I’ve gone with my mother and grandmother to their appointments. For some reason I […]

Yesterday I was reading another story where it was a bad example of customer service. It seems problems started when a consumer went to a restaurant with her husband and had a meal that she thought was substandard. Today went to an online meeting service, Yelp, and wrote a negative review about the place. That’s […]