Last week I had an interesting conversation with another consultant that specializes in charge master consulting, one that helped lead to this post. We were talking about some of the problems he’d been experiencing over a number of years as it pertained to both his business and his health. Not that he didn’t make very […]

This past week I wrote an article for my consulting group’s newsletter that I also posted on its blog titled The Art Of Consulting. The overall point of the article was saying that the purpose of consultants is to be helpful, plain and simple. In that article I talked about trying to learn from other […]

A few weeks ago I decided to take someone up on an offer of helping me in figuring out how to market myself. During the second visit, we began a conversation that made me do some serious thinking on the back end. We were talking about things I could and couldn’t do, and I mentioned […]

Last night I was talking to another health care consulting friend of mine who just ended a long assignment. She was asking how things were on the health care front, and I told her things were a bit slow, but probably ready to start warming up again. We started talking about some of our shared […]

I belong to a group called the Professional Consultant’s Association of Central New York. It’s an organization of consultants, of course, but it allows us to get together on a monthly basis, share information with each other, have a presentation, and basically learn more about each other so that, if something comes up where they […]