If you read my blog often enough, you know that I strongly subscribe to 3 moral positions: loyalty, trustworthiness, and honesty… in that order. I believe that’s how you need to be with your friends, with your co-workers, and as much as possible with everyone else you meet throughout your life. I keep finding out […]
Every day people wake up, get themselves cleaned up (most of them), head out the door and go to work. This is a universal thing; it’s not something that only happens in the U.S., it occurs in every country in the world. Even the poorest of countries have folks who go through this same process […]
I’d like to share a true story from my history with you. Back in 1969, my dad, who was career military, was being sent to Vietnam. Because of a series of circumstances, my mother and I ended up living with my grandmother in this black neighborhood in Kansas City, Missouri. When she first bought the […]
I’ve always wanted to be some kind of writer. When I was young, as in 12 years old, I started writing both a book of poetry and little mini plays based loosely on Star Trek, along with another friend of mine. When I got to college, I continued writing poetry, but I also started writing […]
Confidence is a funny thing. When you have it, you feel like there’s nothing in the world that can stop you. You feel like you can make all the money you want to make; you feel as though you’re smarter than every person you meet; you feel entitled to the better things in life; you […]