Blog Day 2006
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Aug 31, 2006
I was informed by a good friend of mine that today is Blog Day nationwide. The idea is that those of us who write blogs should try to recommend 5 other blogs for our readers to check out.
So, in the spirit of things, and eliminating any of my personal friends from the list, let's see what I can come up with:
Your Life, Organized, a wonderful blog that gives tips for trying to keep your life and office organized, by Monica Ricci.
Solo Business Marketing, a blog that gives tips to small businesses trying to survive, by Shirley George Frazier.
Unfortunately, that's all I have. I do check in on a lot of blogs, but one big issue for me is some kind of consistency. There's a few blogs I subscribe to that I drop if nothing new has been written within 3 months. There are some blogs that are kind of geared towards specific topics that I don't believe everyone would enjoy reading, so I didn't add them. There are some new blogs I've added recently that I don't think is fair to add because I haven't read everything on them. There was one page I wanted to add that I enjoy, but it's not a traditional blog, per se, so it didn't fit on the list.
Maybe I'm too picky, but at least I tried.
Mitch, yes you are too picky. Include some topic specific blogs. If you’re reading them, then others might like them too. And tell us what that non-traditional blog is!
Hi Jill. At this point, I’ve missed Blog Day, so I’ll shoot for next year instead. 🙂