Archive for February, 2014

It was hard to miss, even from my office. The words were unmistakable: “I’m sorry you feel that way sir; have a nice life!” Slam! I got up slowly from my desk and walked into the other room. I recognized the voice, and I was surprised because she was usually one of the calmest people […]

Sometimes the best way to illustrate a point is by telling a little story. My grandmother, Hazel Beverly, was in the hospital for two weeks. It took a while before I finally heard from a doctor; she’d been in the hospital for 10 days. He asked me about her advanced directives. I told him that […]

Wow, I can’t believe it’s been almost 2 years since I wrote a post about language and why using the right words and trying to say the right thing is a good thing to do. That post, titled Choosing Your Words Carefully, was more about motivation and how one can flip the switch on how […]

It’s Black History Month once more, and I’m late into the month before writing anything about it. Truthfully, I wasn’t sure I wanted to start the month with a post on the subject as I did last year when I listed all my previous posts on the subject while writing anew on the topic, but […]