Archive for August, 2013

I have to admit that there are fewer stores that I go to these days. It’s not only because there seems to be so many of them are give a depressed feeling because there’s fewer customers, other than on the weekend. It’s mainly because I’m not made to feel special as a consumer in that […]

I often read that one of the biggest fears most people have is speaking in front of others. I’ve never had that problem, even when I was a kid, after I had the lead part in my 2nd grade play. I was also always the kid in class who’d ask the question that I knew […]

You never know when someone will give you an accolade, and sometimes you don’t know why they’re giving it to you. In this case I know why, and I’m glad I did it. paul stumpr via Compfight My friend Steve Borek, a certified life and leadership coach, just wrote a blog post after hitting the […]