Archive for July, 2012

My friend Carl, who responds to a lot of posts here, made a statement last week that I found intriguing. He said “I think that every leader should know at least 5% more than any team member”. I disagreed of sorts, but I’ve been thinking about that comment ever since, which leads me to this […]

On July 4th, comedian/actor Chris Rock put this statement out on Twitter: “Happy white peoples independence day the slaves weren’t free but I’m sure they enjoyed fireworks” He took a lot of heat for it from many corners, saying he was ruining a national holiday. Sorry folks, but not everyone feels the same about holidays. […]

Last Saturday, while my wife was out of town, I decided it was time to shampoo the rug. Well, at least parts of it, since my friend and I had messed it up when we decided to replace the tiles in my bathroom and realized that not only had the guy who put them down […]

I’m a pretty consistent person. By that, I mean that I’m fairly stable in my demeanor and life as far as my emotions and actions go. I don’t get overly happy or upset on a regular basis. I go through my days pretty much the same with some ups here and downs there. When I […]