Archive for December, 2011

There’s a restaurant I go to often that I’ve deemed is my place of choice. It’s called Pier 57, and it’s just about 5 minutes from my house. I do have other restaurants that I enjoy a lot, but this is pretty much my lunch restaurant. They have a lot of people working there as […]

Wow, this is a major league milestone day. There’s a lot of anniversaries that touch this date, some good, some bad, and today’s also the day, with this post, that I hit #900. When I hit #800 back in March I thought I would hit this figure in 4 or 5 months; instead, it took […]

Brian Tracy tells the story of a company that needed a repair person to come in and help them diagnose a problem they were having with some of their equipment. The man came in, spent a day going over everything, then the next day came in and put a big “X” on a gauge. He […]

More than six years ago I wrote a post titled Expressing Anger; Not! The premise behind that post is a theme I’ve talked about over the years, that being that no leader has the right to yell at anybody in the workplace. What I’ve never covered is what to do if you work with or […]