Archive for September, 2010

I was reading an issue of Discover Magazine where they were interviewing different scientists who are specialists in their fields on what they believe will be the biggest happenings over the next 30 years. One of the scientists was talking about being able to actually produce dinosaurs from old DNA for further study because science […]

The Syracuse, NY area got an interesting lesson on the power of social media when a bad bit of customer service ended up becoming a tidal wave of negativity against a major grocery chain in the area. What happened is someone went to the store and saw something they didn’t feel was appropriate. Instead of […]

Last week, leading up to September 11th, there was a lot of conversation going on about this preacher in Florida who had announced that he was going to be having a Koran burning (they keep changing the spelling of the book so I’m going with this one for now). I found the whole conversation somewhat […]

I have a friend who is very good at what she does. In my opinion, she can do some amazing things. However, she also has a major problem, one that I feel will hold back her business. muha… via Compfight She’s a perfectionist. In other words, she looks at everything and thinks it can be […]