Archive for October, 2009

I had lunch today with another health care consulting friend of mine, George Chapman. I also do work on his website, and he participated in my interview series. We started talking about health care coverage for the uninsured, and I was mentioning my idea of a health care plan to him. He said it wouldn’t […]

One of my friends has been going through some tough mental days lately. In the middle of it all, someone she was close to committed suicide; that’s just not supposed to happen for someone not sick and not a child, but it does. We’ve been talking over the past week, and I could see that […]

This is my 600th blog post for this blog, and I feel pretty good about that. Not many people actually reach 600 posts, based on statistics, so I’m in rare air. And yet, as I’ve reached this number, I find myself at an interesting mental crossroads. First, let me give you the only statistic I […]


In the past week or so I seem to keep hearing about this word called “passion.” Basically, the talk has centered around one of two things. One asks the question what is your passion. The other says that people should try to figure out their passion, and if they can then that’s the business they […]


As many of you know, one of my main businesses is in health care finance. I do lots of charge master and charge capture work, as well as many projects throughout the entire revenue cycle. If you’re unsure what some of those terms mean, follow the links to get a taste. A couple of weeks […]
