We All Deserve To Feel Good
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Oct 22, 2009
One of my friends has been going through some tough mental days lately. In the middle of it all, someone she was close to committed suicide; that's just not supposed to happen for someone not sick and not a child, but it does.
We've been talking over the past week, and I could see that she was fighting her way through some tough times. I asked her if she'd like to come over and watch the movie The Secret with me. She'd known about it, but had never seen it. I said that maybe it could help give her some kind of perspective and a feeling that maybe she could change at least a few things in her life. She agreed, and came over today.
I've talked about The Secret before, as I've seen it at least 50 times or more. I've talked about the Laws of Attraction before. But it's easy for me to talk about these things to people who have already seen the movie and "get it." It's harder for other people to feel much about either of these things if they've never seen or tried to experience either of them.
So, we ate some lunch, then I put the movie on. She watched it in rapt attention, while I had to field a couple of phone calls, but still watched, figuring that I knew everything that was coming. And, as it figures, I still saw and heard a couple of things I'd never paid attention to before.
At the end of the movie, I asked her what she thought and how she felt. She said she felt good, and she understood what the movie was saying. She related a story of hers and now she had positive thoughts on it after her doctor had told her something, and she beat the estimates because she felt positive that she could do better than what he had believed. She also said she understood that the laws of attraction doesn't mean that all you do is wish for something and it will come your way. She knows that you change your thinking, start to believe that you can do something and that you're worthy of it, and then you're ready to go for the opportunities that come your way.
She wasn't doing well when she got here today. She was feeling really good, she was motivated, and said she was going to do some serious thinking about changing some things in her life. I showed her my little motto that I have on the wall next to me when I'm sitting here in my office, and I pointed out my two plaques above, one that says "Achieve," the other saying "Success." She wants to think about exploring her passion, which I've talked a lot about recently. Based on a couple of things I heard in the video today, I think I've picked up some ideas for how to work on my own passion.
That's a pretty good day.
I’d say that’s a pretty DARN good day
It definitely was, Rasheed. Always feels good when you can help someone else feel good.