Archive for May, 2008

About a month ago, I went to the store up the street to pick up a prescription medication for my diabetes. The clerk behind the counter told me I owed close to $50; I was stunned. I told her that my medications are supposed to be free, which they are. She checked on it and […]


Time for us to slow down for a few minutes, take a breath, and decide we want some moments that will make us feel good. The folks from The Secret have produced this video called “Planet Earth” that I just have to share after watching it. If this doesn’t make you feel good, nothing will. […]


I’m always sitting at my computer when I’m home. I feel like my office is my own oasis within my house, my own room of fun. My wife calls my computer “her”, and says I may spend too much time with “her”; she’s probably right. lol However, I can’t say that I’m working every minute […]

This morning’s speaking at my Professional Consultant’s Association of CNY meeting was David Goldsmith of Metamatrix Consulting. This isn’t a guy who’s going places; he’s already there. I knew we were in for a good presentation because we actually had double the number of people who usually attend one of our meetings, and that was […]


I’m not sure how many people have read the book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I thought it was a phenomenal book years ago when I read it, even though it’s one of the largest books on record as far as number of words, coming in around 645,000. I loved the story of Dagny Taggert, […]
