Archive for May, 2008

First, the quick story. On another blog, the writer quoted someone who said they’d gone to Africa, and after hearing that another country was apologizing for slavery, he wondered why no one had apologized to him while he was in Africa. Initially I assumed the writer was white, then when I learned the writer was […]

Two weeks ago I wrote a post called Fear And Business, where I talked about how most people in business, either their own or working for someone else, are working more from a position of fear, which is its own type of motivation, though not very positive. I don’t think I went far enough in […]

Are you too busy for quality? That was an experiment put on by the Washington Post that I was alerted to by Guy Kawasaki on Twitter. The title of the news story was Pearls Before Breakfast, and it talks about an experiment they did where they took one of the world’s most renown violinists, Joshua […]


This week two things happened concerning the N-word; one didn’t involve me, one did. The rapper Nas, who had wanted to give his latest CD that negative appellation, was turned down by his record producers, and now it will just be named after him. It seems the publishers would actually like to sell some records […]


First, the latest TTM Consulting Newsletter, People Will Leave Your Life, based on two posts ago, is available and has gone out to all my subscribers. I was reading an article earlier on how the social networking site Facebook, is going through a redesign, which is going to launch at the beginning of June. I […]
