This is something different for me, at least on this blog. Over the past couple of months, there have been a couple of free ebooks released talking about blogging, motivation, business, and life, all tied into each other. If you're out of the blogging loop in general you may have missed out on these, but I figure, since they're free, I don't mind helping to promote them, though on the second one you'll know more on why I don't mind.

The first book is titled Life Lessons—The Best Self-Reflections From 108 Bloggers, and it's a short collection of statements from many bloggers on life and/or blogging. It was put together beautifully and is visually stunning in its own way, and I appreciate seeing the thoughts from these people, some of whom I know. It's not a large ebook, but when you click on the link above, you'll be asked to download it as a zip file and then to open it on your computer.

The second book offers something slightly different and a bit more enhanced. It's titled The Synergy of Business and Blogging and is more of a connection between blogging and business with a bit of motivation thrown in. This ebook, which you can download by right clicking on that link and then saving it to your computer, has full articles from around 35 contributors, of which yours truly is one of them. I think it was put together fairly well also, and if the only reason you decide to download it is to read what I had to say, skip to page 67 and go for it. But it wouldn't hurt for you to read the rest of the articles as, once again, I know many of the people who contributed to it.

Actually, now that I think about this, I have been talking about the business of blogging lately, most recently in my 800th post, and before that telling business people what they were doing wrong with their blogs, and a host of other articles that touched upon it a little bit. It's a new world out there, and businesses that don't embrace it won't know what they're missing out on until it's too late.

There you go, two free things; enjoy!