Some years ago, in a meeting, I learned that something was going awry as it pertained to a process that was being followed by a group of people I’d only met a week before. When I got back to my office, I decided to talk to the people who, I figured, would have noticed the […]

As I’ve gotten older, sometimes I find myself not being able to remember things as well as I could when I was younger. It manifests itself in many ways. Someone will ask me the name of someone else I know and my mind freezes. I’ll forget the name of an artist whose music I’ve listened […]

My wife and I both do the dishes; not at the same time but we alternate here and there. Our goal and outcome is the same, but the way we get there is totally different. The first thing is that my wife uses washcloths to clean the dishes. I use a brush because I don’t […]