Years ago when I first got onto Facebook, I started playing one of their multiple versions of Scrabble. I met a friendly young lady and we not only started playing each other multiple times, but we started having pretty good conversations on a multitude of topics. rawpixel by Pixabay At some point she told me […]
Posted on May 15th, 2019 in Leadership
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Comments Off on Why People May Enter Into Each Other’s Lives
Posted on August 26th, 2009 in Leadership
I’m one of those people who has always said that I don’t begrudge anyone who has money. Most people have worked hard to get their money, and even if you don’t always agree with how they got there, the fact that they got there is enough for me. I usually feel people are paid for […]
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Comments Off on Edward Kennedy, R.I.P.
Posted on August 18th, 2009 in Personal
In a few minutes I’m heading to a memorial service for the sister of one of my best friends. She passed away Sunday morning in her sleep, after a long bout with brain cancer. It’s funny how, sometimes, we can know someone for years and years and never really know them. I actually met her […]