From the time I was 5 years old, I wanted to be a superhero. I didn’t know the phrase at that time, but the first time I saw Astro Boy on TV in Japan back in 1964, I knew that my goal was to help people in need whenever I could. Me as a hero […]

Some years ago I came across a blog post recommended by someone I used to be connected to on social media. The title of the post was 5 Reasons Why Living Your Life to The Fullest is Wrong Advice. Koshy Koshy via Compfight In the article, the writer said that people have been given incorrect […]

I’ve got a story for you; actually, more than one, but let’s start with this one. Many years ago I was on a consulting assignment that had been going really well. I was having a lot of fun and a lot of success; we were all getting things done in a miraculous and positive way. […]

I don’t often write short posts, but this one qualifies as one of the shortest articles I’ve written in 16 years. Photo by Julien Maculan on Unsplash The date was 9/11/01; the time was 8:46AM. The stock market was supposed to open that day; it didn’t. Other than holidays or weekends, the stock market had […]

Many years ago I wrote an article on one of my other blogs that I titled 46 Ways To Reach Your Own Super Bowl. The article contained 46 motivational thoughts (since it was posted around the 46th Super Bowl) that I thought were pretty cool to share. my motivational mantra What I didn’t do was […]