Off the merits of my last post titled Making Others Happy, I decided it was also time to see what I needed to do to make myself happy. I thought of it like being on an airplane and having that message telling you to put on your own oxygen mask first in an emergency before you try to help someone else out.

Of course the funny thing is that most of us really don't do that. Even people who only think of themselves will try to help someone else out in an emergency before they'll take care of themselves; most of them anyway.

In my case I decided to ask myself the big question; what would make me happy. I came up with two answers that I believe most people wouldn't have a problem with: feeling better and moving in a positive direction.

Although these are broad visions, I think they're valid for everyone to start with to try to define just what their life is like at any particular moment.

For instance, let's take the first one. I stated that I wanted to feel better. Actually, I started on that goal a couple of weeks ago. I've gotten a bit more exercise than I did over the winter. I'm making sure I take my medication, which, even with alarms, I've sometimes missed. And I've changed my eating habits a bit after watching a documentary called Forks Over Knives. I'm not a fanatic, but I've lost 9 pounds in the last 2 weeks; not too shabby if you ask me. Here's the thing; I didn't say I wanted to feel perfect just better, and I do. There's still a long way to go but I tend to believe that progress is shown in stages because when we can see what we've already done, it encourages us to do even more.

On that second one... well, that one needs a lot more work. Even though I write more on this blog the truth of the matter is that I've stagnated, which isn't good for me or anyone else. I've had some specific goals over the last few years that I haven't come close to achieving. I have one big goal for this year that my mind says I should have already completed and yet I'm only about 60% of the way through. I need to focus more, which I think will come as I continue working on the feeling better part.

How are you seeing your life these days as it relates to making yourself happy? Share or not, but start today by thinking about what would really make you happy and how you can get there.