Archive for June, 2012

I have a story for you, if I may. Last Thursday I asked my wife if she’d take a look at my foot because I was having problems seeing if it was bruised or not. She looked at it, said it looked like it was bruised a little, and that we should keep an eye […]

Often when I talk about leadership, I like to say that everyone can be a leader, and at some point in every person’s life they’ve had a chance to be a leader, and have either taken that opportunity or let it go. Sometimes, the option is to either be heroic or be a victim. Sometimes, […]

Yes, you read that correctly; this is the 1,000th post on Mitch’s Blog, and of course he am I (and yes, I said that like that on purpose lol). It’s taken me just under 7 1/2 years to reach this number, but I’ve written more posts in the last 3 years by almost a 2-1 […]

Years ago I went to meet with a group of people that I didn’t know in another town about 2 hours away. It was a group meeting of members of the New York state chapter of the National Speakers Association, of which I was a member. The topic was finding ways to get more speaking […]

Ten years ago today, my dad passed away. Dad has multiple issues, one of which was lung cancer that ended up spreading throughout his body. I’ve written about that on another blog that will post later today, so I’m taking on a different topic today. I talk about leadership all the time, and I try […]