Archive for January, 2012

Whether things are going well or going badly, sometimes we all end up in some kind of a rut. It’s easy to get into because it’s a lazy way of going about your days; it feels comfortable. If things are going well, who wants to mess with a good situation? When things are going badly, […]

It’s hard to stay positive all the time. Life doesn’t always give us exactly what we want, and often that irritates us. When we get frustrated or irritated, we can do a few things. One, we can totally shut down; two, we can try to make things bad for whomever got on our nerve; three, […]

Good management principles can help turn around bad situations. Teaching someone how to become a good manager if they wish to learn can be a rewarding experience. Trying to teach someone those same concepts when they don’t want to learn them can be frustrating and hard to overcome; most likely, you’re wasting your time. However, […]

I often get questions from friends and employees on how to deal with their supervisors and managers. They often seem to feel that they’re not being treated fairly compared to how they see someone else being treated. Since I’m not in the office I’m never quite sure whether it’s a matter of perception or reality. […]

One of the difficulties anyone who’s any kind of manager faces is that your job depends on others to make you look good or bad. Your employees can make you look like a genius, even if the best thing that happened was that you inherited them. At the same time, just because someone is good […]