Archive for April, 2011

This morning I was at a meeting for consultants. We were talking about another organization, called the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). This is an organization I used to belong to, that I’m thinking about possibly rejoining at some point in the future, but just haven’t been enthused lately. The conversation got around […]

If there’s anything I can’t stand hearing about, it’s stories about management level people who don’t know how to treat employees like adults. These are the types who ask employees to do something and then when they do it and find out that those above them don’t like it they act like the employees did […]

Something you often hear motivational types talking about is the concept that, for almost everyone, whatever problem you have someone has it worse, and that if you could see things in those terms you’d realize that at least you have a chance to make things better for yourself and push forward. In some respects that’s […]

One of the things I felt I was great at as a director was figuring out what was best for the organization overall from my department. In other words, though I wanted accuracy, if I had to weigh perfection against bringing in consistently high dollars I went for the consistency. In my opinion, it was […]

There are many people that talk about leadership and management and feel that they’re the same thing. I tend not to be one of those people. Whereas I acknowledge that for someone to be truly great they need to have a good understanding of each of these and know how to use them, I also […]