Archive for February, 2010

It’s another year for Black History Month to try to get people who could care less to understand just what it used to mean to be black in America. I say it that way because based on a lot of what I see, most people care as much about that as they do about what […]

At this point, we all know what’s going on. In Massachusetts, the populace voted in a Republican to fill the seat of Senator Kennedy, and that effectively ended the Democratic block that could force a health care bill upon the masses without Republican support. I think everyone pretty much knew at that point that the […]

I tell you, life is interesting in that you never know when things will be good and things will be bad. In the space of the last 5 days, things just keep happening that really works in testing one’s resolve and proves that the laws of attraction will always be there, even if not the […]

Something I’ve seen quite often are motivational speakers telling people that the best way to start changing their lives for the better is to wake up early in the morning, take time to meditate and think, plan their day then go for it. On the surface it might sound good, but I take a totally […]