Archive for March, 2008

I went to a seminar this morning put on by the Greater Liverpool Chamber of Commerce. The topic was Keeping Customers For Life, presented by my friend Beverley Griffo of Northland Communications. Basically it was a customer service seminar geared towards business owners, talking about how there are some things we allow ourselves and our […]


I’ve known Jill Hurst-Wahl for close to 6 years now, as she’s one of the first people I directly met when I started trying to meet more people in the Syracuse area. The funny part about this story is that she knew my dad for much longer, having ridden on the bus with him into […]


I thought about staying away from this one, but I just couldn’t. Good ol’ Pat Buchanan, who my dad used to enjoy hating on Crossfire so many years ago, decided he had to take his shot and weigh in on this controversy surrounding both Barack Obama’s speech and some of the bad things that Rev. […]


First, I’ve decided to only post one of these a day, so that each interviewee has the opportunity to make sure their interview is going to be seen. After all, one never knows what else I might write during the day. Second, I met Don through Ryze, an online networking group that I’ve talked about […]


One of the services I provide is business coaching, but with a qualification. I don’t coach people on how to run their businesses; I’m not a financial wizard. Instead, I coach and motivate people within their businesses on how to work with others, time management, or general encouragement and motivation. Now, someone might ask why […]