Archive for March, 2008

I met Jeff Norensky many years ago when we were both on a committee at the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce that worked on educational seminars. 1. What is Microtech Computers? MicroTECH Computer Center, we provide IT services to business clients. 2. What made you decide to go into this business? We have been in the […]


As an independent consultant, I have my own tales of woe and glory that I could talk about regularly. However, I can talk about myself any time I want to. I thought it might be more beneficial if I talked about others, or let them talk about themselves. Each interview will have the same 5 […]


The organization Enitiative, located here in the Syracuse area, is starting a monthly speaker series focused on business entrepreneurs who have made a success of themselves in our area. The first presentation will be April 23rd at 5PM at the Syracuse Technology Garden, and the guest speaker is none other than Art Zimmer, one of […]


When I was a manager, I was never one of those folks who believed that the office had to be totally quiet, or that people couldn’t talk. As long as the work got done, and everyone hit their monthly goals, I was fine with a bit of conversation and relaxation. I knew many other managers […]


Later today, New York inaugurates a new governor; heck, we just did this last year. No matter, we’re doing it again. And in less than a week, a relatively humble yet hard working former state senator from a prominent family will assume the leadership role of the wonderful state of New York, and most of […]
