The Zebra Joke
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Sep 4, 2008
Today, for my XXth birthday, I took myself to the casino to play some poker, which I've mentioned I have a fondness for. The table I was playing at was pretty friendly, and as we all got to talking the guy next to me said he wanted to tell me and the guy on the other side of me a joke. The other guy said "oh no", and I didn't say anything and awaited the joke; I like a good joke.
Well, this is the joke about a zebra he told. I was stunned; the guy on the other side didn't laugh either; he was also black. I said to the guy that it's a good thing he told us this joke instead of many other people, because their reaction might not have been as nice as ours was.
He was seriously taken aback. He asked if I thought the joke was racist; I said it was fairly inappropriate (I tend to talk this way sometimes, believe it or not), and asked him if he'd ever met any black people who actually talked like that. He said no, and I said that's kind of a stereotype joke that, if told to the wrong people, could cause some problems, especially in the workplace. He really didn't get it and he apologized, and he was a very nice guy, so I took some time to tell him why jokes like that, in the wrong company could be a really bad thing.
He said he understood after a while, and said his wife was a trainer of sorts at a company, and usually had to teach things like this on the back end. He then talked about being in other offices where he'd hear what he considered inappropriate comments being directed as women, and how it made him uncomfortable even though the women seemed to play along.
I usually go into business interactions like this figuring that people actually know that they said something inappropriate, but thought that their relationship with the other person was different than what it turned out to be. Sometimes, men will see women as one of the guys after awhile and begin to think that they can say certain things around them, and then learn that they've misjudged the entire thing. The same happens with minorities, where people tend to think they've gotten to know someone so well that "they couldn't possibly take offense at a racial joke".
Anyway, after today, I might have to take a different look at the issue of race, or sex, when it comes to inappropriate behavior. Very well meaning people can say some pretty stupid and insensitive things, and not have an understanding of why it's wrong. Their lives haven't given them the appropriate tools to know why it's wrong, and that's a much different issue than blatant racism. It's still not excusable, but it's something that must be considered in a much different way.
Mitch after reading the joke I can safely say that I didn’t even find it slightly amusing. That said I love to tell a good joke, the only problem is that a hell of a lot of joke poke fun at either race color or personal make up. Heck even stand up comics use them with great effect and in rooms that are filled with people that they are making fun of, whether they’re Irish, Italian Poms, black, white or whatever. I think it has a lot to do with the delivery as to whether or not the comic is actually trying to offend or just get a laugh.
Still, that one didn’t do it for me.
He actually got a nice chuckle out of telling it, Sire. You’re right, there’s lots of different types of jokes, but it’s always important to understand the audience, as well as the right place and time to tell one.
I’m certainly not arguing with you there Mitch, and it’s also a good idea not to laugh at your own jokes which is my greatest problem, so my kids tell me.
Sires last blog post..A Blogger’s View On Google Chrome
Well, it was a really long joke and when I read the punchline I just rolled my eyes at the “pinch” of humor in it.
I think the point is well taken that sometimes you may feel so “comfortable” with someone you can think you can say “anything.” I just hope that our open society doesn’t become so open that it becomes a free for all.
On the converse side, I have white friends who make references to “white trash” and another acquaintance made reference to his own “redneck SOHO” office. I would never say those things myself but they were more “acceptable”, if you will, coming from white person and even a bit humorous within the context of which they were said.
Good discussion!
Mitch –
gee, I like to thnk I HAVE a working sense of humor and…I don’t get it!
(the Zebra joke) – this is exactly the sort of circumstance where I think “if i were a better communicator, i could somehow convey why I think the joke is inappropriate or awkward…but my track record on those occasions when I’ve tried is a tad dismal –
Happy Birthday!
Brian McL
Hi Paula; thanks for commenting. I think we all say things with our friends or certain company that we know better than to say elsewhere. Hopefully we know for sure our audience when we say certain things, or we’re totally prepared for any consequences for anything we say. Lucky for this guy, he said his stupid comment to someone like me; everyone isn’t as lucky.
Hi Brian. I think however you decided to tell someone why this was a bad idea would be valid for your emotion at the time. I was just feeling really good on that day.
Thanks for the birthday wishes. 🙂