The King Children Are Staining Their Father’s Legacy
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on May 19, 2009
The King Family, being those descendant from MLK Jr, are fighting again. This time, it's over a movie deal that one struck with a studio that the other two say they didn't get a say in. So, of course, they're threatening more lawsuits on top of the ones that have already been filed.
I have to say that this is all the most unseemly thing I can think of. That a great man who was all about peace and wisdom has ended up with children who seem more greedy than attempting to even touch any of the true qualities of their father is pretty disgusting. Sure, they'd have a different opinion on all of this, but what it all comes down to is money, plain and simple. If not, then they wouldn't care what one or the other does, and would actually be giving the money away, possibly funding their own father's memorial.
Sibling rivalry is a bad thing in the first place. As an only child, I used to say that I wished I had at least one sibling. My wife has 6 other siblings; I've never met any of them. It's an interesting family dynamic, yet I know a few other people who live almost the same way. I guess it's easy not to talk to any other family members when you don't live in the same town.
Still, there's a difference in other families and the King Family. They are supposed to represent something different. They dishonor the memories of both their father and mother. Someone needs to take away their legacy, like a toy, and give it to someone more deserving.