The Competition
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Jun 22, 2006
I guess it's now a competition, this millionaire quest of mine (read here). A friend of mine wrote me and his specific words were "I'm going to get there first". I said to him I didn't realize we were in competition with each other, and he said it wasn't a competition, it was a fact. Interesting.
When one states their goals, and takes a chance on sharing them with someone else, there are going to be supporters and detractors. Then there’s going to have competitors, people who say they're going to top you, or want to do it differently than you, or whatever.
Sometimes you know their motivation; sometimes you don’t. You have choices in how you're going to react to what people have to say. I tend to be one of those who doesn't like negativity. I don’t like people telling me what to do or how to do it unless I ask. I also don't back away from some challenges. For instance, the person who said that to me works a regular job; he's also retired military, which means he has a pension to give him some support. On one hand I'm ahead; on another I'm at a disadvantage.
How we’re going to live our lives depends on how we decide we’re going to react to statements from others. The one thing we can't allow is for others to stop us from our ultimate goals, mentally or physically. We could shut down and not try, or we could be stupid and try things we should know better about.
That’s what being a leader is about; evaluation and action. Sometimes, you’re only leading yourself, and if that’s the case, you have to hope you’re doing the right thing for yourself. So, in this case, I'm going to do it my way, evaluating things my way, and "not hope, do", as I paraphrase Yoda.
Now there's a guy to listen to. 🙂
Challenges can be fun, Mr. Mitchell, if they’re done for the right reasons and in the right spirit. Just because one person states an intention, doesn’t mean one has to take it as a challenge. What do you care whether he gets there first or not? If you have your own time frame and your own plan, and you’re working your plan, his statement should be of no concern to you. And if he did indeed challenge you. . . who cares? I wouldn’t imagine that you would begrudge your friend “getting there first.” Who (whom?), after all, is the challenge between: you and your friend? or internal challenges to master your individual demons ? Perspective is everything. Be sure you’re battling the right monster 😉 and accepting the right challenge.
The delivery of the message was meant as a challenge; it was said twice, and highlighted. That’s the reason to care about the challenge. Also, it’s a positive challenge for me; gets me moving in the right direction, which is always a good thing. And I didn’t make the challenge, which means if I win the victory is sweeter, and if I lose then at least I gave it my best shot. So, in accepting the challenge, it’s a no lose proposition for me, since I didn’t make the statement to begin with.
As I said above, evaluation and action; I’ve done, and will continue doing, both.
Works for me! Although it was not issued as a challenge, and I should know ;-). Then the rules need to be established. For instance, existing assets / net worth should not be considered, as it complicates figuring — that get rid of that pension / no pension, advantage / disadvantage issue. And, since wealth is what you keep, not what you earn, an essentially empty account should be established for the proceeds “that count” so there’s a definable balance and… as in any goal… a date should be established for completion ( Admittedly, however, that is a more personal thing in this case, and for one’s own personal motivation, so whatever your preference is. I’m easy 😉