Racism Isn’t Funny
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Jan 9, 2012
Over the last few weeks I've seen and heard some disturbing things.
The latest was the tale of a young woman who got home from picking up a pizza she'd ordered, looked at the receipt and saw that one of the people at the place has written about her "lady chinky eyes". What the heck was that all about? Of course the person got fired and Papa John's, the pizza joint, apologized and has tried to reach out to the young woman, who'd copied the receipt, put it online, then talked about it on Twitter, where it spread across the country like wildfire.
The other two examples were young women, two in one video and one by herself, deciding to try to be funny by making racist statements, the two about illegal aliens and the individual taking shots at black people, using bad language including the n-word.
Both ended up suffering consequences that it's hard to believe they didn't expect would come from doing it. Hate messages on their posts, death threats, and a release of all their personal information which included names, addresses and phone numbers. In both cases the videos were eventually removed and the channels shut down, and in the individual case it came after the young lady tried to apologize for trying to be funny. However, in both cases copies of the video were downloaded and uploaded elsewhere; the internet isn't that forgiving. And all personal information for all 3 young ladies is still out there, along with tens to hundreds of responses to their original videos.
One might want to take the view that these young ladies learned this type of behavior at home. I'm not going to go quite that far, but it's the type of thing that always makes me wonder what people are thinking about when they decide to do things like this. What could their thought pattern be? How could anyone who does these things have missed all the examples of people who have done this sort of thing before and how it ended up? Has everyone forgotten the Michael Richards example, who also said he was just trying to be funny later on? Do you think these ladies could have done with a little bit of diversity training?
Racism isn't funny; it never has been. Sure, there have been racist jokes throughout history, some even told now, and people will laugh. I tend to think there's a time and place for everything. Comedians often set things up before they go off with their tales, and because of that they can get away with it. They also usually go after themselves first, to show that there are no sacred cows. Some pull it off; others, well, we don't hear of them for long.
You know what's really scary? Both of the most recent videos had over a million views before they were pulled. This shows that in today's world stupidity can spread faster than you might think it would. There's nothing private anymore, and if this is what you think fun is even in private, you need to adjust our thoughts and beliefs and get a different life.
No, racism isn't funny. Threatening young women with death for being stupid isn't funny either. I say often around here that free speech comes with consequences, but there are times when the response is overboard as well. Calling out hate is expected; threatening to kill underaged girls is another.
Unfortunately, that's what racism does. It gets people riled and it's hard to put that genie back into the bottle. Just don't do it, whether you've prepared for the consequences or not.
Hi Mitch
It doesn’t matter how many rules or laws are made; still the sickening ugly racism head raises itself as in the cases you cited.
I remember being pushed against a wall when I got off a bus one evening coming home from work when I lived in the UK. Four teenage girls started shouting abuse about me and calling me a “white b….” Didn’t know them and don’t know what provoked the filth that came from their lips.
When I didn’t respond they got tired of screaming at me and ran off laughing. I was shaken up but just relieved it was only verbal and not physical. Four against one I dread to think what could have happened.
That was an unprovoked attack and ended up okay. But I know for many that is not so.
I don’t understand the hatred either Mitch. But it goes on and I just endeavour to treat others as I would want to be treated myself.
Patricia Perth Australia
I’m sorry that happened to you Pat. What’s funny is that I talk to other people from Australia and they’re always telling me that there’s no racism in Australia, and I tell them they have to be missing something. Your story is one, but I hear so many others happening to aborigines as well, and of course even our friend Sire dealt with something on his blog years ago that made no sense to me initially because I never knew there was anything against Italians there.
This stuff is just so goofy, hating someone because they’re different and someone else feels superior, or thinks they do. This is why I call it out when I see it. Can’t hide from it, that’s for sure.
It’s amazing to me how people feel that you have the right no matter what race creed color age sexual preference, whatever ! you have the right to say and do anything and that your beliefs and your rights to that freedom should be respected and heard even if it another person or their beliefs in the place your freedoms to live or believe in whatever or however you want to live or who you are! but you don’t give the same freedom to anybody else in the public or anybody who disagrees with your way of thinking or living and definitely they don’t have the right to feel that way or publicly say it! but you have the right to bash anybody who goes against what you believe is the right way! I can’t believe how people use their race, spiritual beliefs, sexual preferences etc… as a weapon to beat the other person’s beliefs, race, sexual preferences or spiritualor beliefs etc… to beat one person’s freedom down and make yours rise up! So your the winner or victim ! Whichever works best for whatever reason or situations! those who feel differently are not allowed to say how they feel but you’re allowed too! Because everyone feels they have the right to be right! and guess what if it’s what you believe and your not forcing your beliefs or lifestyle on anyone then guess what’s in the United States there’s room for us all! And we’ll never all agree on the all things and we’ll never all look the same or live the same or believe the same things!!! So as an American I will live and believe what I feel in my heart and life is right and respect the right of others to do the same! And I believe that people in the public eye have a right to live the same way and voice their own opinions! And since people want to know absolutely everything in their hearts,minds and lives then don’t get your feathers ruffled when they’re honest about their own views!!! iT’S CALLED FREEDOM!!!! GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!!!!
I’m with you on this one Diana. Actually, I also understand we can go too far when disagreeing with things like this. Sometimes a bad joke is just a bad joke and not racist or hateful at all. But trying to keep people from enjoying the same things as others, or taking away things they need because of one’s religious belief, political belief, or whatever… that’s just plain ol’ wrong. If we don’t at least try to take care of each other, or keep our noses out of things that don’t concern us, it’ll make society an unpleasurable place to be long term.
You’re right, racism isn’t funny. Yet, if people know that it’s wrong, why do they do it? I believe that even though people are crucified for making racist comments in public, in the home when around family, it’s ok to continue making them. When someone grows up around people who call black folks “n*****” or Chinese people “c*****” (and so on), they’re unable to filter themselves when in public.
We need to get to a place where people hold their friends and family members accountable in private for making racist remarks. If people know it’s not cool at dinner parties or BBQs to make racist comments, they’ll know not to do so at work, in social media and in other public spaces.
Thanks for your words Leesa, and you’re right, they have to be saying this stuff elsewhere and having someone making them feel it’s acceptable. You know, expecting it from an adult who’s been jaded and feels put upon is one thing; seeing these kids doing this stuff & thinking it’s funny is another. And it’s stuff like this that keeps my belief that we need to make sure we not only teach history but that it’s learned.
I agree! Racisim isn’t funny. Any kind of ism isn’t funny when it comes to discrimination.
I must be living under a rock, because I missed this. A million views. It doesn’t’ surprise me about the views. People love to see stupid and meaningless things that hurt/harm others. (insensitive)
One thing I can’t stand is when people (black) use the n-word and get mad when some person from another race uses the word. If people don’t want things said or done to them, then they should never put it out here.
I haven’t dealt with too many racist things, but I have had my share and it ain’t funny at all.
I hear you Evelyn, and though I can’t say I’ve seen tons of it directed towards me in person, I’ve certainly seen it. I always seem to be in the defense position, trying to make sure that people everywhere have a fair shot. I can’t even figure out how I found the video because I think I miss a lot of this stuff as well. But it seems that the masses will fight back, and then that’s something that has to be dealt with, especially when there are death threats against young people, even when they’ve been stupid. None of this breeds the best out of people, that’s for sure.
I really thought this post was about the Republican Presidential race and what (more) might have oozed out between Iowa and New Hampshire (without the cloak) .
I’m ignorant re the examples you shared. I don’t know how to respond because I haven’t thoroughly processed my thoughts concerning this. I can attest, however, that it ISN’T funny!
Now Kissie, why the heck would I be talking about the Republican presidential race? lol I’m not paying attention to any of these primaries, I’m just going to wait until there is an actual candidate running against President Obama and then I’m pretty much going to ignore anything that happens until it’s time for the election.
Not that I didn’t before … I like your style!
It doesn’t matter how many laws and basic rules of behavior there are, there will be always people that are looking for impact. I can tell you straight where is the problem – parent control and education plus TV.
Carl, I’m with you with the lack of parental control. I’m not sure what parents can actually do though, since it seems most of them aren’t technologically savvy enough to keep their kids in check. Still, we don’t always know if the kids are getting it from their parents or from their peers, and that’s still a sad state of affairs.
I don’t think that there is anything to do with technology, this education have to be done in the first 7 years when the character of the kid is build. My mother have never hesitate to slap me when I do something wrong or speak bad and I must admit that I am very thankful to her about that.
There’s that as well Carl, but I’m talking about the kids that have the savvy to make videos and parents not having the knowledge of how to monitor their kid’s on their computers. These weren’t older kids, probably all under 15. But you’re right, being raised better would have had a great impact on their not wanting to do it in the first place.
Racism exists because of greed. There is a limited supply of resources and people wish to control as much as they can. If we start to allow people who are oppressed to acquire things, then we will eventually lose the things that we have. We are better than such and such group really has to do with wealth distribution more than anything.
Great post. Can’t add because it’s all been said! Thanks for this, Mitch…
Thanks for your words Joleene; I appreciate it.