What does it take for you to consider that you've had a good day?

For me, it's usually a good day if I've received one call related to business of some sort, but I also have good days where all I do is work on a project. My wife has a good day every day because she wakes up; I wish I were that effervescent.

There are some people who are naturally happy, and others who are naturally grumpy. I tend to believe that if one is predisposed to being happy, or positive, that they'll have more incidences of good things occurring in their lives. If one is unhappy, or negative, they'll tend to have more bad things occur in their life.

As we come upon Memorial Day, the day where we honor those American service men and women who gave their lives so that we can have a choice in the matter, I say why not try to move towards the positive side of things, and see if making just that slight mental change brings better things your way. I'll bet it makes you feel better also.