Today is the day the United States celebrates Memorial Day. Memorial Day is when we give tribute to all those who have given their lives in the service of protecting the United States in some military fashion. There are memorials everywhere today, at almost every graveyard in the country. Those running the facilities will often […]
Yes, the look has changed once more. It seems that the other theme just wouldn’t hold its format, and it finally went bad on me today,even with the update to Firefox 3. I just couldn’t continue having that problem, so I’ve changed to this one, which I think is pretty nice looking, and a little […]
Tomorrow is Blog Action Day. Its purpose is to highlight the problem and issue of poverty around the world. A Blog Action Day website has been set up to help track everyone who says they’re going to participate in this action. I’ve decided not only to participate, but I’m going to write a different post […]
Back in April, I wrote something called Mitch’s List, which was my “thank you” list to all the people who had helped me through the past year in achieving my goals, both professionally and personally. Something prompted me to revisit that list today, and I’m really glad I did. Seems that, when I wrote it […]
Today is Blog Day, but this year I have two blogs with different focuses. So, I’m going to recognize some blogs here that have to do with one type of thing, then some blogs on my other blog that have to do with what I talk about over there. I’m not sure it’s cheating or […]