
The weather in the Syracuse area has been beautiful for a few days now. Instead of staying in the house walking, which I have to do all winter, or driving to the mall for a different scene, I enjoy going out and walking in the fresh air. Sometimes I go to Onondaga Lake Park, and […]

I read an article which said that what some political pundits had given as a reason why people who might have originally voted for President Obama switched to vote for the candidate in the other party in 2016 was wrong. The study showed that the reason for the switch was wholly tied to racism. The […]

I recently had the opportunity to watch an older documentary that was produced by Ozzie Davis on the life of Malcolm X. I’ve read the autobiography, read some other biographies, and of course saw the wonderfully brilliant movie starring Denzel Washington that should have won an Academy Award, as should Washington. Thomas Hawk via Compfight […]

I went to a networking event earlier this evening. Before I got there, I stopped at the grocery store to pick up some medicine for my mother, who’s been fighting a cold lately. I walked into the store close behind this young couple that was ahead of me. pondering the imponderable When we got into […]

I’ve done a lot of posts on this blog and one of my other blogs where I’ve given 10 tips that should take 2 or 3 minutes to read. The last one I did was in 2015 when I gave 10 Communications Tips and linked to all the other tips I’d given before then that […]