I don't sleep well or enough. I'm at my computer many, many hours working and communicating with the world. I never really thought much beyond my own sleep habits; now I am.

A survey released Monday by the National Sleep Foundation found that people average six hours and 40 minutes of sleep a night on weeknights, even though they estimated they'd need roughly another 40 minutes of sleep to be at their best. Roughly one-third of those surveyed said they had fallen asleep or become very sleepy at work in the past month.

That's not all. People are also trying to squeeze in more time for themselves and their families; the average wake up is at 5:35 a.m. and it's followed by about two hours and 15 minutes at home before heading out to work, with the average bedtime being 10:53.

Of course, I don't hit those figures. When I'm home, I usually get to bed by 3AM (though I'm trying to get better at that lately) and I usually wake up by 9:30. When I'm on the road, I try to get to bed by 1:30 so I can wake by 7:30. In both cases, I usually try to find time to catch a short nap just to give myself a boost.

Hopefully most of you are rested enough to work as well as possible. People on the survey said they often get drowsy at work, and sometimes fall asleep. I know that how one eats can have a negative effect also; not eating breakfast or eating too many carbs throughout the day can make you lethargic, and I've had to learn how to eat much differently when I'm on the road than I do when I'm working from home.

All of us have to learn how to relax, and do only as much as we can so we can still get our full rest. We all don't need the same amount of sleep, but it's still recommended that we try to get 8 hours. Heck, when is the last time I actually slept 8 hours? I'll have to ask my wife.