Archive for September, 2009

It’s been a rough last six days for me. My mother is ill, and it’s brought home the fact that she’s getting up in years, and may start needing my help more than I had thought. Add to that fact my grandmother living here, and my mother’s been taking care of her, and you can […]

Almost to the year of the last one, I’ve made another theme change to this blog. This time around, I’ve decided to make it look a bit more like my business website. The reason for the theme change? Well, to tell you the truth, I loved the look of the other one. It was called […]


I’ve alluded to the topic of the Laws of Attraction many times over the years, but I’ve never specifically written about it. It’s about time I did, and this is that post. The laws of attraction are based on the concept that says you will bring into your life what you attract. That’s the very […]

In last week’s newsletter, I talked about some things I’ve been dropping lately because I realized I was tolerating them more than getting anything out of them. Some of them are organizations that I joined thinking I was going to get a certain thing out of them, and in the end all they did was […]


I awoke the other morning to an email that disturbed me. Someone I had provided services to, who had paid me by credit card, had reversed the payment, and now I was being asked to address the issue. Caught off guard, I quickly went through a rash of emotions. The first was shock; no one […]
