Archive for September, 2009

Over the last few days, we’ve seen a couple of public outbursts that have stunned a lot of people. The first was Wednesday night during President Obama’s speech to Congress, where Congressman Joe Wilson of South Carolina reacted to something the President said by calling him a liar from the balcony. The second was Serena […]


The time and date of the worst tragedy in American history. This was worse than what happened at Pearl Harbor; this was on our own soil. This was in New York City. These weren’t soldiers. These were men and women going about their business, doing their thing. These were visitors on top of the tower, […]


This past week, I saw or participated in two things that made me have to say to someone to maintain their dignity. The first I’m not giving a lot of details on, except to say this. The person I gave my bit of advice to is doing everything she can to make her business succeed. […]


Yesterday, Michael Jackson was finally laid to rest. It’s an interesting premise to realize that, even when certain people pass away, they’re still not at peace, and neither are their families. Sometimes, as in this case, it’s beyond their means and capabilities to put something behind them. Sometimes, it may seem like it’s within their […]
