Archive for July, 2009

Most of you know that my main profession, for now, is as a health care finance consultant. Not that this necessarily makes me uniquely qualified to comment on President Obama’s health care plan, per se, but it helps to give me kind of a leg up on what he might be looking to do. That […]


I was a 9-year old sitting in front of the TV, mainly because my dad told me we were about to watch man land on the moon. I actually was into astronomy at the time. I had a periscope, and many nights in the summer I would set it up at the front door and […]


Every once in awhile, I get on a roll when I’m working, and the work is pretty much all-consuming. Thing is, when one works for themselves, if you’re not working you’re not making any money. These days, while I’m in between consulting gigs, I’m making my living writing for other people. It’s interesting because I’ve […]


This past week, we saw a private swim club in the Philadelphia area that ended up being accused of racism. The reason for this is that a group of inner city minority children showed up at the club, having paid for the right to be there, and were quickly rounded up, sent back home, and […]


Yesterday I watched the memorial service for Michael Jackson. I actually watched it later in the evening, because my emotions weren’t ready to handle it while it was live. Still, while it was live, I was “watching” it on Twitter, seeing comments from people I follow, sometimes retweeting them (that means I saw something I […]
