Archive for March, 2007

I always think it’s neat to see where you’ll find something that’s kind of fun and talks about things that are positive in some fashion. Sometimes those things might seem to be a bit silly, but I think that’s when people tend to learn the best. I found this to be interesting, and just wanted […]

There, I’ve said it. The federal government, and, for me, the New York state government, is wrong on healthcare. Not totally, but they’re both further off than many people know. Here’s the main issue. Both governments think that the way to fix healthcare is to reduce funds and close hospitals. Now, I will acknowledge that […]


I thought about writing something much longer on this, but instead figured it was easier to just link to this other blog post written by Dawn Mular, someone I know from Ryze, about my friend Denise Michaels, based in Arizona, who’s written a book called Testosterone Free Marketing. I haven’t read it, though maybe one […]
