I came upon a blog post by a guy named Kevin Eikenberry titled What’s Your Excuse. He talks about how, when Martin Luther King, Jr, was in school, he actually got a C in public speaking, and how he obviously didn’t let it stop him from achieving great things. Reading it first reminded me of […]
Archive for January, 2007
I have a few blogs that I write on that rarely pertain to this business blog. One of them has to do with my push towards becoming a millionaire, which I wrote about once here also. What I’m referencing now goes back to a recent post there that I wrote on learning how to sell, […]
By now, most of us have heard the story of how the airline AirTran removed a family from one of their airplanes because their 3 year old was throwing a tantrum and wouldn’t calm down. At the risk of taking an unpopular stance, I’m going to say I agree with the airlines, though I don’t […]
Have you ever had the feeling that there’s one person who just doesn’t like you for some reason? Where you get that feeling that this other person seems to act as if you’re not in their league, or that you have nothing to contribute to the conversation, or that they wish you had never been […]
I went to a one hour leadership seminar today, that was put on by the Syracuse Chamber of Commerce. The presenter, Bart Murphy of Ahern, Murphy & Associates, at some point asked people to yell out qualities they believed would be ideal in quality leaders. The crowd yelled out words like courage, risk taker, honesty, […]